Uninstalling AndroChef Java Decompiler: AndroChef Java Decompiler has successfully passed Microsoft-designed tests for compatibility and reliability with Windows® 8 and received "Compatible with Windows 8" logo. The process of uninstalling AndroChef Java Decompiler is simple and easy. Click on Start, then Settings, then Control Panel. Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows Control Panel. Select AndroChef Java Decompiler in the list of installed programs and click the Add/Remove button. Follow the instructions. Windows 8 - Uninstall Programs
Windows 7 and Vista - Uninstall Programs
You may need administrator privileges to remove programs. Installation Uninstall previous version of AndroChef Java Decompiler from Add/Remove Programs icon in the Windows Control Panel. To install or re-install AndroChef Java Decompiler run SetupAC108RN3.exe (SetupACnn.MSI) and follow the onscreen instructions. SetupAC108RN3.exe is digitally signed with Symantec/VeriSign Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v2 Installation folder:
Back to AndroChef Java Decompiler home page: http://www.androiddecompiler.com.